Well, it’s been March for damn near over a year now. We’ve been locking down and hibernating and crossing the street whenever we see someone coming and Quadra-Masking. Its probably a thing. It’s been a weird, slow motion year without gigs and our rhythm of rehearsals, bonfires and semi-excessive beverage consumption. Haven’t had much to report until now! We do admittedly suck lemon shaped rocks in the aggressive marketing department. We’re better at the song playing than promoting the song playing. *sigh* But we be makin’ up for lost time with this epic tease, yo. Big news to share this month with 3, (three!!) Three!! (3!!) cool AF happs happinn’. Did we do that right? Are you intrigued? Pulse quicker? Palms curiously sweaty? Gross. The first bomb of awesome drops on the 8th. Hold on to your proverbial galoshes. Or Uggs. We don’t know what you have.
Happnin’ Happs are Happnin!